Zenny Manifesto Part 6

 Larceny Manual Creation:

There are five forms of larceny manual, in the criminal culture of the Yakuza. They are the Ringu, the Beowulf, the Straycat, the Yidditz, and the Mercenary. Collectively called an ‘88’, a Yakuza initiation rite, to play these games to become a full-fledged member of a ring, a Family, the creation of these games to play creates a strong culture. A Ringu places a foe as a powerful piece, without option of defeat, therefore default trap as the preferred Zion of culture in terms of incompetency of court via delusion of choice of trap. A Beowulf passes on key-sets through locks in a template for plants in artistic circles prior selected, in a university setting, for a broad set of cultural engrams crossing print labels, to be used if your personal key-set already matches a print label where your potential agent can be placed as a key-set, with you becoming their lock.

Straycat is a compressed ROTC state police domestic survey course with high stakes, to raise state trooper street agents and spy assassins, at high pay, with high hazard ability to deployment and constant lethal strike capability if properly marked. A Yidditz is a manual of reference to fiction, language, and authorship text of pagan import, for the commission of an act involving implied leverage of governance. A Mercenary is the hunt of a rival Buddhist group, with various intonations given those involved.

Ringu (X): 

A Chinese Checkers board and a small chess board are required, to be placed within the bounds of the square of the triangles, with three colors of marble available. This is to be played with a retiring leader, and his protégé for leadership. The point facing the white side, and the two triangles around an empty point on the black side, are to be selected. The white side, is allowed to be given authority over meaning of the colored marbles, and the black side, is to be allowed enforcement, never to be switched, unless the white side has betrayed in oath, to kill both in terms of vulnerability to a Ringu player in another group, to prevent an assassination in physical blood of the retiring mentor. This will allow the Ringu player protégé, to trap others in character roles of fictional import, in a delusional state, creating Boryu-killers, elite hitmen that are also leaders, top professionals. Upon completing Ringu, the Boryu-killer performing the training, will lapse into dementia praecox, and the trainee will have the culture imprinted. If either side speaks Hebrew or Yiddish, due to the variables of rules not being removed, the game will not function. If the game is interfered with to cheat this, the game will produce random results, and create unique Boryu-killers, known as Kabuki-mono.

Beowulf (iX):

A more advanced form of Ringu, meant for university students performing recruiting for artistic drops through an agent in a key-set, with self as prime reference and secondary agent recruits as broad spread implanted through prior selection of locale before induction. A speed clock timer is added, and the players are reversed, with the student taking the black role, and the teacher taking the white role, with both pressing the clock for play. The white role, is the parent, and the black role, is the child, and the play must remain platonic, with any sexual discourse punished by use of the clock through induction of fatality. This is a print of irregular forms, with each leading to a broader form, a particular imprint specializing in a broader form, with the prior imprint held as the key-set agent inside the art prior placed, as reflection of the lock, planting the key, in the new potential player, to be taught the rules, when available. The game is not necessary to recruit the secondary agent at the university, only learn how to do it. Should they survive, they will understand both Ringu, and Beowulf. Key-sets, are capable of removing anyone, from the effects of a Ringu produced culture set, by inducing them, a potential use of Beowulf, however it induces raving insanity either way. If Hebrew or Yiddish or both are spoken by either party, platonic behavior is guaranteed, if the speed timer is used properly, for play. If the speed timer is used competitively, the game has gotten too heated, and will disengage automatically, from the strategy refusing to pass, however it may be completed at leisure, to little effect, perhaps partial.

Straycat (AK):

The Beowulf template, replacing the speed timer, with cocktail skewers, and keeping the same seating arrangement. The mentor, is placed as a leader, and the new inductee, as the training trooper, with each side, gesturing with a stick, to move the other player’s piece, without being able to move their own. Any mark of the student, the referee, to mark a marble rule or removal as illegal, removes the trooper cadet from training, and places them in a criminally insane state as the commandment, the white side, the novice. Successful training, indicates that the trooper is now a full spy trooper, capable of countering any potential adversary, with a criminally insane version of their teacher, as if they had called the rule on their teacher, and been victorious. The command sergeant will have their training muster removed, if the trainee cadet is allowed to cheat, and a disorganized break will occur. Yiddish, not Hebrew, will invalidate the training cadet command, due to risk inherent in calling a command by force of verbal taunt, rendering both trainees inviolate from test, due to refusal to complete training referendum to satisfaction of commandant.  Hebrew, without Yiddish, will allow the spy trooper to engage preemptively, due to machine logistics of cobbler, city planning, and kitchen culture combining into avoidance of surfaces, and placement of hands, in conscious mind, from linguistics, immersion in Hebrew culture heightening awareness, apparent from training, although chance of candidate completing becomes poor as skill grows, as does odds of completing a new trainee. The concern of the successful cadet from teacher should be recorded, on a roster register, kept at master bunker, to determine assassin mark on a defeated foe, as well as a ‘8’ mark to indicate ‘Hebrew’, in the event of language being spoken, without Yiddish. No Yiddish mark is necessary, as the game will be inviolate. If successful, standard measures will apply.

Yidditz (Sigma): 

A board game, a picture board, and a work of art on a proper timestamp available device are necessary. Three players, plus a recorder, with a course logic sheet and check options, are necessary, with the game determined in function customized to the necessity of the mutual agreement to the players. The game is cooperative, with a prior discussed strategy, matching the fiction, the language imprinted, and the book to convey the language imprinted, convened upon in the completed manual, by the recorder, the woman, the girlfriend of the leader of the game. The intimidated, the muscle, and the leader, are selected as the three players, no more, no less, or else the Yidditz manual is useless. 

The picture board, identifies the name of a game in purpose of a prank upon the family, extended to a manipulation of government in implicit threat to the intimidated, with the muscle as the lever, and the leader’s position as the enactor of the manual upon sale. The game is played, with a first phase, the press, from muscle to intimidated, within game rules, interpreted by interpreter as three ways, based upon the elements of the media selected for the three players, always characters, to be translated into language later. Then, once this is accomplished, the intimidated and leader discuss, with assistance of muscled, how to counter muscle, within game rules, in a three phase plan, referring to the elements of the series discussed, and the game itself, labeled as the purpose of the picture board retroactively. 

The game, the picture board, and the original name, are then removed, and the muscle is played as the false target, the intimidated as the private collector’s debt, and the leader as the user, with the fiction’s three stamps as the usage, the language taken from a common work to be associated, and the amicus curae foil to be informed on cover, as a media flaunt, not to be revealed, in the words, ‘these words are secret’, a common pagan manual translation not available to public. The recorder sheet and picture board, not the game, are to be saved at the girlfriend’s house, and printed one-sheet pamphlets on the game are to be saved at a broker, to be burned to public, if house of cards falls (i.e., is busted, in any way), as retaliation for the ring broth falling. Of course, once the Yidditz method is busted to public, inevitably, alternates, checks, are introduced, introducing profit to scheme. Yidditz are not to be used by any Yakuza henchman, or leader, under penalty of death, expulsion, or shame, choice of the leader of the Yidditz ring creating these works under contract assignment.

Mercenary (SS):

Five card draw, played with blue cards, 88 label on the bicyclist joker, only 52 standard set, with 500 chips and a no shuffle rule for draw are used. Standard poker hands, one ante of five chips, one round of betting, one redraw in a circle, and one round of betting before laydown, are used, with a five player set, for a 25 card count in the hand, a rotating 2 card mark if all 5 players perform a perfect lay, a flush, indicating a joint movement for a round, a broken round. An additional player, female, non-affiliated, is used, on a typist register of any type, to track signals used and success in forcing a fold. Signals used are of the narrowest possible, off a board register, of a picture board, for field success ratio available of kill, labeled and posted above game, in home or house of annex. 

The point of the game, is to kill other players, with a label on their head, a last name, the target, and their own nametag, as their callsign. Signaling that you have a card, that you believe someone else has to complete your non-existent set, with a board signal on the leader score of terms, indicates that you are watching their change variable on laydown, to monitor the bet score, not to make money, but to force a fold, with rigid rules enforced by female typist, the referee as well as the monitor, with a scrum, a return of chips and forced fold, if found cheating, by any significance.

The pilot handle, is assigned from tag engaging, to mark on head, having found a signal handle pair to engage, with a proper strategy of card odds, ranked separately above the head of each player, on a sign, around the five table, hanging on a chad mark, a tape pulpit, indicating the brevity of the hand in odds of logic to work, with a simple ranking demeanor, non-mathematical. 

The follow containment measures are used, deliberately limited: target on head, callsign on tag. Standard pilot. Self on head, self on tag. Coordinator, business workplace, base of command. Self on head, rival on tag. Police control, a coordinator with authorities. Target on head, target on tag. Dead player, indicating a training coordinator, representing a past kill, with a strategy to be displayed by veteran, already completed a kill, can’t go back in. Marked as self on head, marked as another another board player’s callsign in match on nametag, scram, bad player, you’ve been defeated, you’re dead weight. Same as training coordinator, barred from discussing story. Joker written on head, self on tag. Dummy player, represents the referee typist, to duel an unknown quantity approaching group, leadership role, in any case or position, only given through vote of all training coordinators on deck, the loremaster.

Each kill is registered as a successful fold of the player after draw, registered by a show of the cards upon fold, and a signal of the requested hand from the challenging player with signal. The typist then records the signal, the requested hand from the fold, and the actual hand of the engaging officer, with signal, target rank of hand from lowest to highest, and engaging rank of hand, from lowest to highest, target shown, engaging hidden, with exchange of chips engaged after hand is complete and normal play resumes, before deck is stacked back in, not reshuffled. 

Circular logic, is enforced, as well as ante, chips, trade, and pretzels, the common polite table fare, alcohol or marijuana not allowed, cigarettes standard play unless typist does not smoke regularly. Rankings are calculated with signal, width of target being efficiency of kill, and minimum height of kill being ease of kill. Each is then assigned to target, engaging callsign, with base commander given field command of those having successfully engaged along width and height with signals rostered for mutual exchange, police control being given height as signal to base command, and coordinators, dead players, and dummies excluded from table calculation. Lowest numbers, are easiest kills, except for base command, favoring highest numbers, for priority channels, numbers then discarded for police and just given signals, with only ranks and signals offered for manuals otherwise.

Logical Fundaments of Gender Relations:

To function with women, in proper platonic, romantic, conjugal, marital, or parental culture, a male has to have 17 combinations of traits, with two potential considerations, and three conditional options, sequentially noted, plus a consideration of neither being enacted, or both being enacted in a fourth conditional. These sequences, are all necessary, for different actions of heterosexual, fewer than 17 indicating that one is veering into homosexuality, more than 17 indicating that one is becoming a sexual predator.

The two basic considerations, are literature, and utility, the function of fiction, and the function of academic. The three conditionals, are employing, creating, or removing, the act of past function, new function, and imprint of function.  The sequences, are literature, preceding utility, and utility, preceding literature, the causal tense of creativity, and orthodoxy. The consideration of neither being enacted, is a physical task, and the consideration of both being enacted, is an observed gesture, the physical task being reflex, and the observed gesture being education, the prior being a unique sequence, the latter being a fourth conditional. The possibility of a switch-form being available, is the final set-key, the neurological constant to judge function.

As always, form follows function, should be applied, to avoid pederasty, in analyzing these notations.

The invocation of neither literature, nor utility, as physical task, utility, is a kinesthetic learned memory.

The invocation, of both literature and utility, simultaneously, is a kinesthetic created memory.

The invocation of both literature and literature, simultaneously, is a visual created memory.

The invocation of both utility and utility, simultaneously, is an audial created memory.

The invocation, of literature, employing utility, is a combat form.

The invocation, of literature, employing literature, is a reference form.

The invocation, of literature, creating utility, is an academic form.

The invocation, of literature, creating literature, is a decryption form.

The invocation, of literature, stripping utility, is a theological form.

The invocation, of literature, stripping literature, is an encryption form.

The invocation of utility, employing utility, is a logical analytic form.

The invocation of utility, employing literature, is a logical invocative form.

The invocation of utility, creating utility, is an engineering form.

The invocation of utility, creating literature, is a technical mindset form.

The invocation of utility, stripping utility, is a herendentical form.

The invocation of utility, stripping literature, is an investigation form.

In addition, it is possible to adapt an 18th form, as a criminal, artist, politician, police officer, or soldier. A 19th form, is available with Buddhism, and a 20th form, is available with espionage, plus a 21st form, the divisional form, as an assassin.

The invocation of literature or utility separately, is an abstract substance.

The invocation of literature and utility, non-sequenced but employing, is a reversion to past memory.

The invocation of literature and utility, non-sequenced but creating, is the shift into a new personality.

The invocation of literature and utility, non-sequenced but stripping, is the shift of someone else into a new personality.

Market Principles of Commodity:

Each culture of the world has a core cultural principle, based on an essential word inside the culture of religion, the forward presence of a national genome. They can be found in any business manual, stripped of the culture, however for exchange in signal, it is important they be linked.

Dindu: The concept of parallel Euclidean business practice, with a single point of distribution and two points of origin, one original and the other initiating when product has reached saturation with client in terms of predictability. The predictable point, is terminated, when the second point, reaches predictability, the next initiating. This is used to retain diversity in luxury profit model.

Shekel: A geometric analysis, of how to steal money, from a hard commodity, in order to extract time, for payment of service performed upon commodity, wherein commodity is not processed, but extracted, from market, as if being withdrawn, however it is being sold, to confuse anti-Semites, defined as anyone who cannot function palpably on inverse logic of concept and term, poor market players. This is used to generate feasible dimension from a menial task in order to improve production while not desynchronizing a warehouse from a single individual performing up to task, however being more efficient than local workers due to their disenfranchisement with the school systems, requiring unions, an anti-Semitic process and staple of common poor fascists, termed “Nazis” by Americans and Jews overseas since World War 2, including adherents, “dumb spoils” to others as children, people who would perform a simplistic gesture of adding to a task, in order to weaken the commodity for themselves out of homoeroticism of the bowels, a blockage of gesture and task given their fixation on themselves, not a good to be obtained through work of labor.

Zen: A principle, of law, that aligns with a legislature, of law, so the rule created by the principle, will invariably contract the first law, and the custom created by the legislature, will invariably contract the second law, displayed to an outcast within section of grouping or government, to remove a victimized individual and then place them within your asset class of advisory while treatment towards you for the practice is mitigated towards all facility information properties, by the hand of the individuals of management, power, or rule of order, therefore performing a downsize and facilities purchase of politics at no cost, while simultaneously classing all victimized assets by that management as non-marked, and leadership potential. This is used to take over a firm of facility with an abusive practice towards growth.

Combinations of Market Logic:

Dindu Shekel: A word problem is erected, of potential situation, and worked backwards based on traditional failure noted by area history scenario, before a natural shape describing the effect, in economics, is applied. Then, the shape of geometry is simplified by the word problem’s custom order, wherein the negative harm, is sought. This is used to create criminology situation analysis and report training manuals.

Dindu Zen: A management model is created as an alternative to a preexisting management model, and introduced into place as a lower hierarchy inside a management bracket, as a practice that is altruistic to offenders in labor, to place them out of the firm and to reform practice inside firm, to shut down a hidden abusive practice that induced the abusive laborers in the first place. This is used for downsizing a firm alongside civil rights ethics.

Shekel Zen: A meeting place is established in three positions, one for a predator, one for self, and one mutual, to mark a man or woman as protected if engaged by a predator, any predator, as a general act of practice when entering a new area and an individual knows a man is “straight”, he will play along a linear path, he is honest, or if a woman, “cool”, she is good for it, she will refuse sex in the name of business if in partnership of finance. This way, any male or female predator, will be defeated by your “straight” or “cool” friend, with the “straight” performing a bomb, and the “cool” performing a loser, always invoked falsely twice on the straight and cool, by the “poser”, the individual that does not understand the meaning of the term, hence they will both die in a rotting hell, and your straights and cools will live.

Golden Triangle: A stratagem is established upon the field of defeat, with a roar and a shout, moving from place to place, when the suspicious predator is seen in the mind, always in truth regardless of form, from the past and into the heights, contacting the individual that brought about the first downfall in sight, and casting the accusation with a question. After this occurs, everything will flow, and the predator will cast her curse on her own family, instead of you, the defeated samurai, the ronin. You’ll be heterosexual, and her kids, will be flaming gay. Another generation of failure, for the acrobat. She’ll break her feet, sobbing that she’s so fucking gay, she doesn’t understand that gay, means homosexual, you just fucked yourself, whore. An acrobat, wants to marry a homosexual by forcing him into it upon act of battle, and that little figurine in the snow globe, will freeze forever, like sheets of glass behind her eyes, watching forever, more acrobats, spring from her festering cradle of filth between her legs. Smack.

Mercenary Privilege Espionage:

The concept of architecture, through roads and thieves signs, combined with currency sigils and lexicons of words, have created the culture of the mercenary privateer, the origin of all martial arts forms, military finance, and currency exchange, involving mariner’s culture, as well as business houses for corporate installations and thieves’ curses for stealing these guides, all within this list. Be warned, reading this particular entry and cheating, is among the most dangerous, particularly if you have stolen a child, a dubloon, by sperm, ovum, or egg, a lesbian’s hag, known as a hoary first. A female is the first pirate of the line, of any line, to become an official sailor, privateer, and merchantman, and that requires a tutor, outside of marriage, to save the male having instructed upon learning, the thieves’ oath.

The road, is a basic structure or unit of commerce, featuring cracks, shiggles, and dandies, the concept of wear, maintenance, and tear, from movement, fixing crews of paste, and weather detritus fouling waterways. Meanwhile, thieves signs, such as execution posts, banners, and hack signals, are all manners of warding away criminals, who have committed murder, theft, and banion, acts of killing a thief, a mercenary crime of state, or an act of stealing a fraud manual from source unpublished without pay (even by gift, the thieves’ curse of infamy for forcible fraud, unpaid contract without consent or liability from act of mutual just cause of work).

The thieves culture, has several levels. 

First, is the contract culture. One moves from thief, to pirate, to navy, to buccaneer, to spy, to soldier, to general, to politician, to subculture, growing older and wiser, based on several elements, descending generations of family, unbroken if successful, shamed if not, wiser if always, a king’s line, depending on betraying hoars, unbrothed holsteads, the term for a cow of state, an easy mark in womanhood as a man, a pirate with a son of another royal line born to kill, an assassin cuckold, also known as a concubine’s woman, a komon geisha san nan, a snake’s dagger, a deadly hindu blade, or a killer face child (in Milwaukee Iroquois, the home tribe of the protocol tracker of zenny). 

Second, is the strep train culture. Strep, is the term for a throat’s oar, the various tricks and techniques to teach Kray, a contra form of knifemanship taught with a metal cup, a table, and a tack, your hand off-held, passing to the hand held, the coon, the term for the catch, of the weapon, represented by the cup. This is the basis of your martial arts form, and dozens can be learned, passed between sporting and martial arts cultures for eternity, each family line with a particular invention, such as football, handegg, boxing, kung fu, karate, and pravdala, representing business (family, in term of proper logic), wage finance, assembly, management, penance, venture, and finance, known culturally (some listed elsewhere), as shekel, stage, blade, jitsu, zen, and dindu. There are many others, of course (the author’s zenny sheet, is bartistu, known falsely as cane, a deliberate misaphorism, actually combination pulver, a type of sheet metal boxing intended to blade fist at close range with strikes and strokes, to cause fatalities from inner organ damage, not internal organ, a common confusion, taught by mother first, then son, then father, then fatality warning of orgasm groan from mother, necessary for successful marriage, the tightest form, besides zen, the most fatal, impossible to combine, unless staged with zazen, pulver first, then zen, with lotus, from a professional techniques magician, Chinese, half preferred, match culture of home if necessary). 

Third, is the game culture, to teach the line, two-fold. The strep train that is unique, the invented one, gifted to the woman, the first of the line, is turned into a basic set of rudiments, a solitaire, based on getting to know the woman, platonically and perhaps as temporary lovers, for years, deep conversations and bearing of the soul and probing, mostly from male, the Howard, the dead pirate, that’s been burned on a six string quarter, five contract drops for home state (explained later, it’s a double aphorism), before a forced pair occurs, and a street hit from father, to save more important assets (endowed children of lineage, always blood, never step, and especially not sperm theft, unless joie, an assassin strike is needed, the child was a kill face, that means, the king’s line of home country, has been betrayed, in which case, a sale’s auction occurs, a bulk is sold, a box of no-good, a group of notes all encrypted in mathematical psychometric, with a frozen schizophreniform break from a unique three-point sikh and a linguistic trick common in the thieves culture called false trangenderism homosexual submissive homicidal extension of self, making the notes worthless, plus one block algorithm, of the king that was betrayed at beginning of encrypt, to keep his entire method of religion, non-specific, from using the terminology, from usage – this guide is locked against Hindi Islam, but can be employed by a Yidditz, an Arab or Jewish gaming circle, however it’s a 333 Bones, meaning that religious, psychiatric, and information law will flip, for the users and contract exposures – this is referred to as a blood ruby, a mother died because of the king, the assassin was betrayed by intent of birth). Then, the game culture, the unique solitaire game, must be adapted, to a martial art, moving back to the second stage, to create a new fighting form, even something simple, such as Irish butcher (table etiquette, for athletes, doctors, nurses, soldiers, spies, gentlemen, wealthy, pioneers, campers, hikers, pilots, police, and anyone else who wants to be clean, keep their dwelling tidy, and otherwise be capable of self-defense with three types of home available cutlery, and of course cook fruits, vegetables, meats, butters, dairy, and sugars, including confections and baked goods).

Fourth, is the descending culture of parent child through three descending stages, once a child from the female thief has been born, to begin the generational logic. This is a reference to a counter-form (first), a law enforcement form, the first form, with a broadening form of damage depending on how many people defeat your child, the more defeats indicating a much wider path of destruction, meaning that the earlier your child is knocked down, the more harm is caused by their eventual self-pin, the transition to ‘tranny bear’, a transexual obesity common in individuals that have picked with any government agent or cop or soldier or politician or officer, or even a common thief or pirate, called ‘mobsters’ and then after the ‘spooge’, the takedown, called ‘guidos’, and finally, after they self-pin in a mass circle, unique to your invented art of game, ‘bears’. They will breed down lines, as ‘tards’, a rude term these days for the developmentally disabled, but actually meaning, they can’t walk properly, they charge through areas and wrench their wrists in circles, as if alien beings from another planet. The second form, is the link, for a danger crossing, with a particular set being the danger signal phrase, based on the martial arts form’s secondary culture, only available upon deep understanding between father and children, and then a danger position of path change, for the mutual signal, combined with a military patrol term for a ‘patrol’ and a ‘support’, with a ‘flank’ as invoked by ‘support’, patrol being the endangered son, support being the father, and ‘flank’ being the support’s last successful contract. If there was no successful contract for ‘flank’, then the option is taking the ‘vessel’, meaning a witch walk, marking the neighborhood as unsafe, meaning that there is a confirmed theft of sperm, and a Howard has occurred, meaning a new witch is about to be initiated, with the test of thief, pass, or fail, sales of technique, the more potent the contract agent selling, the more disastrous the witchcraft to the psyche of the reader, on the market. The patrol, gives a return signal, to support, if flank is needed, and then support, checks to flank, and returns silence to patrol. In the case of a suicide attempt, with a fall, and a survival, the witch signal is to be initiated, and will do so appropriate, the slimmer odds of survival, being the more potent the contract agent. The third and final level, is the criminal survival, the pinned position. A danger signal is given to the father, and a cutoff occurs. A staging level of three, in a thieves den of third axis agent sent from harbor host (mentioned at bottom, staged in above), that has betrayed the first five contract set (explained briefly below), is spying, and a story has been told, to the pirate, no longer a buccaneer, now a nautilist. This is the identification of fact, then followed by identification of forge, a trap to the foe in a series before a confirmation of alias off statement of culture serious, never non-serious, directly from source, and then, the pass to false alias, the broken contract to be engaged with the ‘burn’ party, codenamed since World War 2, ‘Hitler’. His castle is to be returned, and he kills himself, he tucks his shirt in, like a pre-suicide victim, just the same reason he was hazed constantly in Germany, throughout European history, to this very single day. If the painting burns itself, and a contract is forced, a mass burn follows through, called ‘Basterd’, the whole world explodes, you are a legendary spy, and someone, was a douche.

Fifth, is the culture of locks, from the set of right, movement, left, kill, and down, slap a bitch. Right, movement, is to be invoked in normal status, a standard maneuver to eliminate a foe impeding. Left, kill, is for an espionage mission only, and may not be deadly, but it will be big. Down, is for a woman, and only a woman, otherwise pedophiliac, any age. A poser, always takes down, they are stealing. Bat, Bond, and Match, are the generalized terms, stolen constantly, since the 10th century BC. Bat, matches Cat, Bond, matches Snake, and Match, matches Smoke.  A Cat, is a zero, when placed down, indicating bestiality, a teabag, when placed right, indicating a flirt at a male pedophile into a suicide, and when placed left, indicating a self slap on the wrist to recruit an agent from a bust, to local police. Bond, when placed down, indicates a mark of territory, when placed right, indicates a location surveillance and a meal preparation, when placed left, indicates a contract of data and a timer to spoil to fire and trigger when gone, and Match, when placed down, indicates a booze sale or narcotics officer bust to a minor, when placed right, indicates a joint at a concert or a beer with dad, and when placed left, indicates rejecting two women into crossing political or administration commands onto one man, for a lesbian sex scandal, shutting down a bureau. These are common terms, and they rotate, into an artist criminology (invoked as subject, study, or art), a cleric economist (two broad nebulous terms narrowing so specific they apply universally), and a campus snitch criminal (with three possible arrangements, the stated when listed never appropriate, indicating context, scenario, and situation of statement of individual spread, not always listed prior to parenthesis). Together, this is a comic book, the Bible, religion. A famous retreat, never to be taken seriously, there are important matters at hand.

Sixth, we have the seven points of play. This is each and every single one of the above, the Bat through the train, the set, and the locus, the Bond through the foul, the game, and the cheat, and the Match through the aware, the law, and the lose. You have a strategy that breaks social rules but follows the table, you have a term of tactic that obeys the laws of principle observed but plays by your own set of terms, and you have a set of six logic cheated applied through one followed of rare gene culture held by self of pride (the family cutter). These are your family scruples, changing every generation, determined by most rejected thing of concept in logical category of all six forms, besides genome, being the reason for cheating, hence your most iconic trait of the martial art practiced. This is for decryption, the concept of a coded cipher, to place on the foe, through any work or artifice, a placement or drop of your signature tag, through your movement along the three lines, left always being the enemy playing itself to display their tactic as yours in revealing their inner secrets, down as being an averted strike to play up into you to match you in shape and personality if a woman, never if a man (fight, bad one), and right to place a foe into a friendship’s grasp, then escape. These are all lethal to invoke, once you hit the mark. You will some day have a set, of legendary aliases, one per culture, throughout your family, the things your family is hated for in that culture, and beloved everywhere else, once you hit a lockpick of legendary proportions, with a new type of disaster created by your honest fumbling attempt to survive, the ‘halfwit’, written into fiction or public suit, not the ‘kill face’, that’s a serial killer, he’s an assassin, he’s going to get written into a film or publication as a superhero, many times over, goddammit, he’s Howard.

Seventh, finally, we have port terms. “Jamaica”, “Split”, “Language”, “Pick”, “God”, and “Mason”. This, is the ultimate code, the Mercenary, your Money. Jamaica, is an ancient term, from Rome, for a dubloon, for a washer, a financier, a false side, your first five contracts, before taking the false contract, to betray for your original power of hire, until you die, forever. Split, is the Spy/Hustler, your name in your preferred language, your contract of original hire from your first leading lady, your mother of thieves, and your common miscontrument, building over time as you build insulting legends for sales jokes, the terrible and insipid job as a part timer of any professional spy. Language, is the lockpick, you will find, in any culture, unique to your line, imparted by self, impossible to understand for someone else, of how your six sets, three pairs, work, in dueling circles. Pick, is your manner of engaging people at all times, within roads and crosses, the term of drafting with a false lexicon and term of using literature for trade to obscure the fact of your art, combined in the crucifix, the skeleton key that gives you the key to your true trade, drafting, art, wine, and cobbles, management, product, and chaos of environment, the architect (not city planning, that’s for a film guy). God, is you, and you are money, and you are priceless, you cannot be bought or sold, if someone kills you, there is Hell to pay, they collapse into their own ruffian, they become thugs and brigands, to try all over again, it’s something a kid never understands until he’s a Joke, he wins, or he dies trying, he messed with a higher contract grade, and went assassin into a poor marriage with a royal, a queen. Mason, is the final degree, the ‘i’ the lowercase letter of Masonry, the concept of having no rules, but Skin, that’s not a single tattoo on your entire body, or else you’ve witched, you are a draft, sir, good luck, get the wrong one, or you’re queer, Navy. Unless you went Annapolis. Holy shit, Mister President. Or Missus Lucky. Did you shoot porn?

Non-Presumed Mathematic Abstract Puzzle Psychometry:

One makes a presumption of math following rules of simplistic template and logic, and laws that include every single person’s interpretation, but this is a highschool level of mathematics at best. Various concepts, such as surveyed non-tangibles, period of measurement with gaps or projections, and translations along temporal linear boundaries without change in share however change in other notations of thought, can occur.

The key, is to use the concept of the quadratic, a single formula being the misleading form, meant merely for banking to calculated annuited rising interest, however a proper quadratic form able to modify behavior, as many financial and credit institutions and advertising firms use the technology and technique, common in civil rights, drug addiction, behavioral rehabilitation, and assassin murders with pin-and-tocks, the method of placing an individual into a singular location and drowning them out, performing stock-tells that are actually used from a market derivative called a Sin Qua Non, an admission of faith in rejection, presuming to have bluffed when a superior incumbent share is possessed, a put, for a rally in terms of own defeat, hence withdrawal from market status. When framed or liable, they are dangerous, used by the Yakuza for warfare and street operations, not Zenny signals or bad omens or bluffs in armory tells.

One must first identify variables to be simplified in two sets, non-tangible and tangible, with two variables, the known marker of movement, and the second being the rate of movement. Any variables have to be computed upon constant gathering, matching non-tangible in singular form of single marker out, “up”, the constant that only exists on the non-tangible sheet by survey, the second the pair with the “up”, the “down”, the marker in, the located price calculation of wage from the two variable sets, the marker and rate, being combined on a separate sheet, to calculate necessary value of modification.

There are several operational terms necessary. The method, enactor, and beneficiary, goal, the divisor, being the identification of set combined with multiplicity, the growth in projection, of the marker and rate, placed under the prime equation, duplicated in both sets, partially for up and down, and either a root, a square for safe return, deeper roots for sharper declines, calculated against set from additional constants in addition to “up” and “down”, the variance lines to equate the reputable source, one additional constant from the variance line meaning a square, a cube root being two, and so forth. An exponent, meanwhile, within parentheticals otherwise rooted, is to be calculated separately, for the non-variance calculated as a multiplicity from marker and movement combined in a three-set multiplier, to determine the quantity as an additional constant added to both sets for the exponent to be applied, the increasing exponents being requested factors of increase, for extension of period before nil, the cessation of events in recursion.

Meanwhile, we have our calculation of method, the goal, with four markers, the non-tangible equivalent to the non-tangible negative, the behavior rate being modified, and the tangible equivalent to the tangible equivalent in non-digit however exact form, being mathematically broken in terms of direct literacy, however being sensible in abstract form from survey data, with a lexicon of terms recording each and every meaning along this manner. Therefore, we can apply our second tangible, the goal, to reach the second non-tangible, the repair, with the second method tangible, to be calculated with a deviance sum of being placed atop the first tangible method, as a divisor, with the non-tangible being determined in through division, so the tangible is deployed along the lines of surveyed data of non-tangible ethic. 

To reach this equation, we simply write out our divisor set with the root or exponent set, and have the second variable, movement, in non-tangible, as plus or minus atop the divisor in the same set, and the second equation, both addition, to calculate the like X’s, with the only difference being that the additional variable, the “up”, is replaced with the “down” in the second set, the variance line being calculated as a non-tangible in the secondary placement to indicate the non-tangible as a tangible item. This is how we determine, that we can reach the movement of our negative, non-tangible sum, movement in decline, to be repaired with monetary unit, movement in repair along non-tangible variance, through an identification of method of increase with tangible, moving along surveyed value of non-tangible in marker.

Hence, we can induce any level of safe diminishing or painful diminishing force, or alternately, an increasing factor force of exponents rising, calculating periods through radical matrix set pairs, a radical being a system of factors, keying into a matrix set with a radical that indicates an exponent is increasing in broadness, either calculating through periods paired with the exponential increase of social factor, or with the root, for a nullification of meaning or commodity value, a disappearing market into the underground. The higher the root combind with the period spaced set, the longer the wavelength, however the frequency will remain constant, unless in nil, then it will reduce in shape and length, compressing, never ending, merely becoming a social presence. Alternately, we can use a root of any shape, on our matrix two-set calculation, for a downsize on our root set, with different variances causing different fractal shapes, a higher root (i.e., smaller number of root) than the calculated matrix set, releasing simple measures, and a lower root (i.e., higher number of root), releasing quantified measures. Whereas, a root, applied to exponent of factor, indicates a network system, the higher the exponent, the more simplified the data spread extenuating outwards. 

Personal Ethic of Samurai Code:

To become a full-blooded Yakuza member, in terms of fatherhood or service of state in career, escaping the Yakuza, one must come up with a rigid pair of codes, the first a code of personal behavior, for following rules, the second a code of punishments and blandishments thereof, for enforcing one’s own will upon the community to shape around one’s self with the benefit of the first code eminent, therefore eventually, your line will have a definitive shape of practice, you will become an establish Family Line, a Bonafayuden (the Korean slang term, for a ladykiller, a bona fide).

The first code, chivalry, is established around a simple personal practice, of attempting to assist others, in a task, always the thing they lack in their same gender parent, if gender does not match, you have erred, and they should be discarded. This is so you may have servants, that extend your period of insight, and your fellow Yakuza or members of state, centuries, will assist you, in your purveyance of wrath, to create wealth, for your father, the Emperor, your State.

The second code, leadership, is established around a set of penalties, of verbal inquiry into the state of an individual when their gender shifts out of your prior range of match for assistance. Once gender shifts, meaning an individual has been homophobic to you despite being a prior fit, you can interpret they have betrayed you on the task of chivalry you had established, hence you have to correct them. 

Therefore, the assumption, is that another one of your assets, a principle with which you have entrusted them, by virtue of the gender shift, has betrayed you. Through this means, they will avenge you, with little investment to yourself, since they will counter the betraying party, through their signature skill of blade, that assassin’s dagger, becoming an enforcer, for you.

Using this through Zenny principle, we can take each of our established codes of logic, as a narrow signal, and apply a wax crucifix, conversationally, a tactic for spotting an internationalist, a foe, a gender diatric individual that shifts logic when convenient, one of your defeated allies, that has shifted gender and not properly avenged you, through return signal offered to signal defeat of your now mutual foe, before gender shifts back into place. The Zen signal of principle of one of seven categories in singular form or combination deployment, is placed through the Krim-spotter, the wax crucifix, detailed.

The basis into a form of logic from another source, is placed as your horizontal, your frame of reference, before your insight into this same logic is applied, your angling to convey your thoughts, with a conversational deification of this fact as someone else’s posted version of a brand or sigil of copyright, as your form of concealment. This, is constituted internally of your own academic based set of practice in past proof of self-success in some manner relevant to your shaping of the Zen signals, the design of your Krimo and therefore your Zen signal-set’s couched form.

With this system, your internal code applied, a simple practice of gender logic, and your penalty set, with your signal-set in encoded form, you have a perfect set of perfect Yakuza practice for personal perseverance. 

Personal Resource Commodity Recruitment Ethics:

Proper recruitment commodity ethics are a feature of any group of individuals engaged in a police syndicate for any body, requiring understanding of biography, along with a flexible distance from the actual period, event, and culminable orientation of the biography selected in terms of strategic placement of politics, tactical application of role, and logical application of utility. 

With this system, we can place any biographical resemblance, anywhere, as long as we first obey the rules of biography within selection of individual, then obey the six laws listed already above in this particular entry to this guide, in the manners listed. 

This is for stealth of deployment, flexibility of warfare, and profit of margin. The rival, the mobsters and gangsters and corrupt authorities, cannot tell whom the individual is, what type of operation is being attempted, or where the operation’s tactic of deployment, the deliberate movement of individuals and itemized tangibles or non-tangible linkages, is maneuvering through in the dilemma theory of the feature of the game.

Biography Selection:

Factor: The disability of the individual in reference to a signaled relation in criminology of background, of event pertinent to biographer in selection of role, a simple signal in the mind.

Ratio: The contradiction in form to document of the individual selected, in terms of background of integration of figure, to hide the figure from view in proof of efficacy of term to future ally.

Rapport: The opposition in inversion of background in a single set matching self in alignment of form, from actual figure, at point of recruitment, to link one to the recruit, before breaking attachment.

Distance Mandate:

Stealth: Operative must be selected with role determined as organization separate from entity of historical reference.

Flexibility: Operative must be selected for role in hierarchy non-discriminate to choice of self, for natural alignment once detached.

Profit: Network must not include primary means of contact, through use of signal before detachment that involves a different strata of personal motion.

Deployment Roster:

Scenario: Operative selected must fit the period of social cause incipient on placement below cause selected from biography, for pressure upwards.

Muster: Operative selected must have skillset not matching self, but matching self’s stereotype prior to biography of imagination of figure.

Task: The dilemma involved must use a signal to disrupt one’s self, to force self to rescue operative making contact, for removal of individual signal from network, once reattached through longterm game.

Publication Circumstance Sets:

Spies publish literature, deviants publish comics, societies publish registry sets, corporations publish cinema, and criminals publish video games. Each form, when used along a circumstance set, counters the group form, that publishes the type of media, however, if the direct form is targeted from publisher, the media will be stolen, inverting the entire set of media and creating worthless art that functions as a skeleton set, a potentially prized jewel and a collector’s item, a potential media event if you are willing to risk your life for revenge, for honor or because of dishonor, barring shame preventing face. Even in panic, a sleeper is inadvisable, unless you have lost everything, and are a Zenny Free, a ronin sword of Yakuza blood of honor, with two parents of Buddhist birth.

Main: This subject is to be attempted as a counter-form, to be nullified. 

Rival: This subject is to be taken as self, in nullification of form.

Plot: This subject is to be taken in broad form, never even remotely literal, however classified within trapping of art.

Setting: This subject is to be taken outside of context, in hatred, meaning, the intended trap to prevent duplication, is avoided, and the hidden history of profession, is in your hands.

Tools: These are to be interpreted as signs, always false, to confuse an amateur, and counter them without first thinking, to dislocate.

Goal: This is to be interpreted as the sign of completion, of a request or offer, for communication, not payment, never to be guised.

Concept: This is to indicate that something is a joke, a false term, since amusement is impossible, only a jarring taunt, backing down once the attention is reached, indicating that this was a friend.


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