Zenny Manifesto Part 7

 Secret Signs:

Secret signs are to be used and revealed to slay many foes in battle who do not understand the saying’s meaning when translated in literate form, to be applied as a test of a soldier’s logic, not to be failed or explained or cheated, since each is unique, based on the same inherent meaning.

Sore wa detsu himu: “two are required”. A man and a woman are required, the man needs to do the work, the woman cannot look, and the woman dies if the man speaks. ‘Cheat’.

Ishin-po: “poison the well”. The emperor’s castle is to be slain, with a circle of new warriors to protect the castle, a down payment investment on concept. ‘Charge’.

Muharashi-no-nindo: “the blind poet with a full hand”. A false game of cards that do not exist but are shown to be present, a trail map of a valley pass before snow. ‘Trap’.

Strider no ougi: “secret of the ship”. A foreign envoy’s mission to eliminate a foe by simple act of deception. ‘Data’.

Shinobi: “duelist peasant”. A farmer that fails academics therefore athletics, and becomes more powerful, and wiser as a soldier. ‘Assassin’.

Hanafuda: “locking sets”. A game involving cards and numbers, with fake dice, to determine interlocking strategy. ‘Romance’.

Yakuza: “bad hand”. A failed numerical quantity in a Japanese game, indicating one is unlucky in love, therefore profit is to be had. ‘Cop’.

Gaijin: “white man”. A soldier who relies on fighting with their hands, therefore they are a weaker tool and to be used to physically confront an agent. ‘Fag’.

Pojo pogo joji: “monkey”. A man who eats shit out of bags because his father was dishonorable. ‘Dog’.

Makura no butsu: “lily onion”. Someone who masturbates into pillows or stuff animals, a serial killer. ‘Moron’.

Dan dan: “much money”. A friend to prove your worth to, by forbearing physical strikes, unless incorrect, then cheap. ‘Bully’.

Hosi totsin: “tootsie roll”. A Catholic Buddhist, a contract killer that seems to work for no one, but the entertainment industry. ‘House’.

Street Warfare:

When engaged by a rival syndicate, warfare can be engaged in, using techniques of identification of enemy unit, known as ‘witches’ in Catholic protocol of warfare, especially civilian or criminal or police nature. Witches, are always classified as those that display a sexual disorder, related to pederasty, classified into several types, as they are purveying violence, for politics, of society, and should be responded to, with violence, always as indirectly and savagely as possible, with lethal force if possible, or crippling, with widespread force through like traits targeted upon ingress of trait as probe trait. 

The standard rules of the Catholic Church’s faith (utility of protection among membership genomes, for profit), movement (the extended presence through parishes, echos), civics (the political views upholding freedom of revenue, freedom of reform, freedom of passage, freedom of choice, and freedom from assault), and the practices (multifaceted and various, based on culture, ritual, region, orders acquired, and sub-forms of other faiths applied in special configuration), with the support of the Catholic Church’s various agencies, for protection, advice, assistance, support, and retaliation, through law enforcement, lawyers, doctors, the military, espionage, teachers, professors, and enforcer priests. 

Examples of rival syndicate linguistic classes are Babylonian cults, the Mithras cult, the Freemasons, the Knight’s Orders, phrenologists, forensics psychology, narco-delusional communes, and government survivalist movements. Each has an identical organization, the concept of an individual from wealth, taking on tradition, with commanding officers that match situational profile of personality however come from poverty, placing individuals into subordination that are forced to rely on direct textual evidence instead of own observation and sequences in varied forms which are instinctual and natural, with enforcers empowered into victim classes and traitors in groups recruited from the refusal to inform to government authorities at a proper time. 

This is the universal command structure, alongside frames for evidence, improper application of academic terminology in terms of flexibility and substructure and open reference material, and a reliance on assistance from the organization to join. Essentially, they believe that proof is essential to sustain the system, and hence, will always try to prove the fallacy of the identical systems, in a three square: appearance, set of clothing, and physical expression, for any given hunt target, to increase numbers of admission and enrollment, with an imprint of philosophy as children and a diagnosis as a possible member for rejecting the system, with a choice for admission if refusing at a collegiate level, only at a university. The circles never vary, and they are born out of an innate desire to dominate, without performing labor of any type, in fact relying on specialists, hired mercenaries using outdated circles, to supply them with terms, for fiction as force presence of campaign, the actual meanings of such meaningless, called “rot”.

Pederast: An individual that seeks conspiracy of subordination of others.

Self-Subordinate: A pederast that treats self as if own extension of force.

Homicidal: A self-subordinate suffering from anxiety.

Sociopath: An individual with insubordination in term applied however in non-rejection and compliance.

Autistic: A sociopath that is placed into an anxiety situation.

Fast Mover: A pederast in another class that was prior one of your associates.

Witchcraft Circle: A group of pederasts in a social conspiracy for power of their group think.

Witch Hunter: A member of the witchcraft circle, the terms witchcraft and witch hunter and witch, all synonymous.

Doctrine: The particular label of the doctrine being used, all with differing terms however using gender, clothing, and posture to frame others of culpable offenses, the self-subordinate’s ezofantasy, the concept of a gentrification of “race”, the concept of genetic advantage leading to group deformity of culture. 

Black Mass: The meeting place where it is decided that a witchcraft circle needs to be gone to war with.

Game: A dilemma set for response in third manner where two manners are offered.

Routing Sequence: The manner of selecting the third manner, by positing a question to self, in the form of a signal given in private, to nobody.

Code: A set of forms used by the doctrine circle, to be inverted by taking subordinate position however detached routing sequence.

Computer: The dilemma theory placed into sequence in a code signal between meetings with any operative, ever, yours or theirs, not civilian, unmarked, if recognized, cross, get out, found.

Protocol: The network of extension of dilemma theory across the presence field inside the witchcraft circle’s tangible influence, to mark it.

Electronics: The data storage units used by the witchcraft circle, the means of access, any implement of technology capable of recording damage to systems, hence passage of time and therefore report of code within computer.

Shortcut: A marker of routing sequence in electronics of protocol.

Hack: A shortcut established by use of routing sequence to establish game signal.

Bat: A rival foe downed by a hack, now a signal null, removed from play.

Network: An extension of force by computers registering hacks through electronics.

Deviance: A noted change in motion when a hack is used, indicating you are on spot, you have ejected from a sequence of another player.

Jettison: Being mounted by a hack of your own, to escape the circle.

God: The individual who steals the jettison, and then applies it to the code set you’ve developed, to develop a new witchcraft circle in database of electronics and code without protocol.

Dilemma Triangle: The act of determining the necessary evil of next action, by selecting career path, solved by taking location of hack outed as criminal, and applying code and God to center point, shortcut, shortcut being career.

Endgame: The expulsion from the circle of traffic, by determining the true nature of the key element, always a coded relay you got caught in attempting to network hack into their relay.

Analysis: Reference of meeting a key member of the circle and acquitting at a game, a dilemma, by playing the fourth level, the quadratic, behavioral judgement of self from twin, unique position offered to self in liability of replacement needed, necessary to join, revealing the circle and system.

Circuit: The looping quadrant placed in the witchcraft circle you caught, causing them to refer to you.

Factor: The name of yours in the circle, to be resurrected by the next witch hunter to contact you.

Takedown: Your takedown in the circle, for membership, unless joined with them in vain, hence the witchcraft circle has removed your hack, you are victorious, you hacked their ampersand relay, the term for their central method of communication, and they’re all frozen.

Necessitating Strategy: The established hack that becomes a career, through use in falsehood, as the enemy of self, the villain to avoid as a child, when you are out.

Devil: You. You win, Yakuza.

Bad Hand: The top of the deck, not the bottom. The top, is your next draw, the bottom, is a return to infamy, in a new hack, of your own invention. Not to be done, unless fatality suicide is induced by witchcraft circle reemerging with a combat terror operative. You lose.

Tesseract Units of Artistic Deviance Using Mathematical Principle:

There are five dimensions to be considered when looking at artistic deviance dossiers, for producing any type of weapons technology to be used from media. Commonly the work of a Yakuza contractor, they are quite useful to target a particular type of personality, with the proper manipulation. The most common hit, for a Yakuza, is the Boryu-killer, someone that hunts the combination of a police informant or authority-biased personality and a Buddhist, Yakuza being enamored in Catholic ritual (information to authority figure), Benedictine logic (both utilization and countering of Jewish logic, however with diplomacy in mind, unless aggressed, then targeting of Jew as individual employed), and Zen hand stretches (pugilism, used for a lethal or crippling takedown). 

In other words, Yakuza are natural cops, that can’t serve because they’ve hit a hard patch and have a record, poor athletics, they dropped out of highschool, got expelled, dropped out of college, or otherwise have a habit, any type of habit, inappropriate for the level of discipline necessary to combine Buddhism and police work. Police work, is the application of government law, to the self, which means, you are very often required to make a request or report, which is challenging to a Yakuza, who chiefly works in signals made and received in recognizable patterns to the Yakuza, boxing choreographs across long distances.

We have five dimensions to consider. Our first dimension, is any academic principle, taken by rote, not personal theory, for the proper basis to reach our square, the target. The second dimension, is the piece of art or media, even a news report, placed alongside the academic, the theory of personage now formed, to find our square. The square is selected from the academic, being placed heroic opposite the target in media used, so the theory will be selected by the square, completing the ring. Then, the dimension will reach the third set, the square itself hitting the deployment, taking shape. 

This will either cause a single movement, a flash, if an unknown quantity is used, a rhetoric movement, a legal argument postured with a task in mind then left to lose publicly by withdrawing instead of conceding, or an echo, with a phase established into the fourth, time, and the fifth, interpretation, logic combining into the same form, the frequency. This will hit every single square, forever, until they all use the villainous form of your media, the depth portrayed having stripped the academic rote deployed by you. A single flash, simply strips the academic theory from a single person, the square selected in argument for counter-posture.

The Armory:

There are weapons of the trade in the Yakuza, various tools and articles that assist the Yakuza, the Boryukudan, in their mission. They are humble, commonly available, and are quite deceptive tools of warfare.

Trademark Apparel: A single piece of trademark apparel, worn at all times, except in common photography, however referenced in signals work, or refused on random occasion, can make all the difference, as a disguise. You will be invisible.

Manga: A recovery from psychosis due to anxiety, manga is selected from figuring out, from a cursory inspection of the title, if the main, titular character, in the proper choice, was the guilty party in taking you down and causing the anxiety. Otherwise, you will turn into a pederast, and kill yourself, by choosing the main character, necessitating a legendary drinking binge to wish away the manga, and never use it again.

Anime: A marked form of art, by color palette, light style, color, and voice dubs, made for the enemy, each one marking a certain type of disorder preexisting considered profitable to the individual, however to be studied for the ruse or game played with the viewer, to determine both the type of disorder present for response, and the deployment of the asset resource for employment by the disordered fan.

Notebook: A larceny sheet, to be paired with scrub-down books for literature for signals intelligence, never be to be listed with passwords, only phone numbers with oblique signals to be saved, for cursory data reference by police, in event of dismissal by enemy unit, preferably with pistol, point blank range, only way to go. All manuals are to be torn apart and deposited in garbage, even practice sets, larceny is a crime, as is fraud, committing it with a manual.

Comics Collection: The ultimate weapons stock of facts and fiction and trades, reference points and writing sheets and omnibuses and even poorly secure fan resources used for stock material, rarer prints of obscure and poorly valuable material, particularly poorly written nature, used for larceny prints for espionage actions, especially small ronin hits.

Data Backup: A professional service should be enlisted to save information, cheap, reliable, fast, they’re all good, never Google, too easy for international hacker monitor services to look at for fun, that’s your stuff, they could call a hit out on you just because they are monitor heavy in their country, they’re under Luftwaffe-Belzinger codes of psychology, epitomized by ‘trigger’, ‘citation needed’, ‘trolling’, ‘this is not proven’, et cetera, all psychiatric abuse cases unable to analyze basic schooling logic from memory, reliant on rote from heavy medication, typically abuse cases from import psychiatric wards overseas from America or foreign exchange students confused by local culture elsewhere.

Cipher Ledgers: A personal reference sheet, of one’s notation, of every type of accrued point of knowledge, fact, fiction, theory, gesticulation, argue, reference, opinion, idea, or experiment, plus one backup porn file, self-shot preferred. For reference to others when explaining techniques, keep it tidy, with a master register file kept separate instructing on usage of each individual classification of notation.

Pokemon: The illegal weaponry set (BOWs), Pokemon are all references to ways to arrest midgets, with the signature attack of the Pokemon to be inverted, in the understanding of the user, then to be placed through the proper type of Zenny principle being used. Pokemon tactics can be researched from gameplay, manga, or research, but not anime or cartoon, a trap, a method to counter a Pokemon blow if it has been fatal, i.e., effective, lethal or crippling, however use of the Pokemon employed will strip one’s own version of the Pokemon strategy for life, provisional if one is countered with the same Pokemon move, for a signals return of Zenny indicating accrued financial gain (i.e., a system has profited from a signal, as an apology from an assassination target, made out of solemncy – you have induced a suicide and profit has been returned prior to death).

The Deployment of Fictional Basis:


Forms of fiction are universally meant as propaganda, particularly within a combined set of accepted literature. Far from using a banal and perverse word for this phenomenon, such as “fandom”, a low brow attempt at appearing to be artistic by using a commonality purveyed by rank posers in the world of fine attention to detail and creators that honestly care a great deal about their work, as it is their trade, this is actually a set of a basic formula, per franchise or series, that seeks to be employed as a set of reference signals to the individuals employing the school of thought in their daily lives, and towards the outside world. Any form of art, particularly in a set of authorship or tradition, that does not do this, is poorly made, worthless, and foolish. A common cartoon, is nothing compared to a classic series of books or movies, unless the cartoon has a binding concept that can be used in political thought, spotted by the common opinions of the consumers of these literary configurations.

In applying these films to real life, a Yakuza can make many choices, such as the classic martial arts induction into death or dismemberment with the use as a cloaked profile, the signal to another individual that shares at least some level of knowledge about the topic, or if the art is unknown, the actual meaning will be apparent, for a cross-reference between the individual that understands the term of argument, and those that have consumed the art, creating a ring of individuals with the individual unschooled in the press as the leader. 

One can, however, apply arts and fiction, if one isn’t a chinpira, a tiny prick, someone who hasn’t converted to the lotus position before summating their religious ritual and becoming an adult in the Catholic Church with Confirmation and selection of Saint and modification of own name, saint’s name, and configuration of terms thereof for baseline signaled skillset to the Catholic Church’s inner chambers. The common term for someone applying arts and fiction, is idiocy, a condition that the Yakuza is immune to, having practiced meditation and therefore being capable of committing multiple acts of homicide, then stopping as if they had done nothing, without the aid of cheater’s rubrics like prayer, the induction into pederasty for someone who seeks to study Buddhism without applying it before investigation.

To apply a work of fiction within a line of social thought, propaganda material, for a worthwhile series for someone to consume that agrees with the viewer politically, hence has been marketed properly based on template of workmanship.  One must pick a single line of politic in the series, and contradict it, by choice of weaponry from within the series, to apply as a term of signal, therefore wielding the use of fiction as a broad form, making sure to pick each and every single installment, at one time.  This invokes the penalty in the creator’s mind from applying the fiction properly, as if one was following it for a military deployment plan outside of the propaganda form. Therefore, one will be guaranteed, stealth, the degree of silence increasing as one employs more individual installments, always with the same theory.

The Orient Groups:

Orient, contrary to racial prejudice, does not mean Asian. It means, an oriented form of posture, meditation, or mental imprint, erroneously called prayer except in witchcraft, perjure of judge through confidence artistry. ‘Orient’, is the bracket, preferred in Near and Far Eastern culture, for the entire bracket of combat forms, ranging from Llama, to Druze, with all groups in between, each originating from Nepal, with three outlier forms in addition to those listed above, Laoism, Chinese circus arts meant for countering enemies of the Dalai Llama, the Nation of Islam, an African slave trading baseform meant to take Caucasian logic and transition it from police to black civic activists in parcel form for use in militarizing black drug syndicates, and Wiccans, Buddhists who employ Confederate slave trading logic for the psychiatric system. There are also Housers and Turks, two Catholic sub-forms of Buddhism and Islam, with their own individual rules, Housers being mantra-driven Buddhists, contract killers to avenge dead clergy, and Turks, modified Muslims serving in the Catholic faith at their own behest, as highly paid professionals, managers of elite intelligence courier dispatch in dangerous warzones, typically domestic, dealing with Protestants.

The System of Personal Family Business:

The concept of Catholic charity, exploitation of pagan taste, and the cloistering of the atheist refusers of religious military technique, are three joint principles that bring profit to Catholics, in many ways, if practiced over the centuries in constant repetition and expansion of experience, until the family gentrifies within its culture across all systems, due to expanding mass of game systems. 

The combined lessons available in the family, make it rich, while those who keep secrets of their family, refusing to share with close friends in pairs or small groups in private household domiciles, become dependent, and those that seek to exploit the charitable, are removed from combat function and create tight circles of production to profit the practicing families while the pagans support the tax base of the families and the consumer needs of the production.

Family secrets, should be shared, in appropriate way for a friend to learn them, over the course of life, while a cultural challenge or equal piece of information, is returned, with a judgement on the information based on how well it works for the trading individual, based on the force, repetition, and perseverance of trading party against challenge. 

These secrets can then be traded among mutual businesses through different groups of friends, in common conversation, to infiltrate production circles, and be shared in some staged manner, whereas pagans will refuse to share secrets, indicating a criminal nature, hence they will be trapped in a cycle of parasitism and support of families and producers of merchandise.

The end result, is that honesty wins, criminal behavior loses, production is penalized for refusing military technique, and much Zenny is made by all. Zenny is profit in terms of ease of maneuver, not in terms of actual currency in hand.

Thieves’ Dojo Hardpoint Security:

A thieves dojo, can be anywhere where Zenny principle is traded, to recruit future operatives of the logic of Benedictine Zen, for signals executive operations, meaning direct function runs for patrons of the dojo on high charge to broker, parent company of hire. A technical specialist team must be brought in, with a simple set of security features, in fact two, in place. A trap board, and a banner set.

The trap board, is two groups, the stereotype of Japan, placed in color, and then, matched, atypically, across rivalry with color, in terms of fundament of dojo guise, the spikes and then the lock, the attempt at employing the culture of the trap board. This will induce trapped individuals, into recognizable roles, if surviving upon return from altercation and returning to the dojo, to become professional thieves. The trapboard is meant to function randomly, with the spike, the tragedy, firing depending on the cross rivalry in opposition to the non-linear cross of foe, hence anyone attempting to force the trapboard into a particular fate, with be culminable in the disaster of the trapboard they have cheated’s fate, for a pungee. 

The cheated trap, meanwhile, will combine the cheated element, and the proper element, into an enhanced form, to avenge the dojo, by the cheater targeting self as the pungee spike, and allowing the master thief, the combined enhancement, to take his or her throat, with the rank function initiated from choice of pungee in cheater. The two marks, the Dragons, have to trade places, the base of the trap, so anyone that takes them, is automatically cheated, since they trade sides of the same trap, killing each other if they take a pungee on any single member of the dojo, combining the master thief’s pungee strikes into each other, the dojo defense feature. Forcing a Dragon, is the worst fate yet, you actually place yourself at the bottom of the wheel, you become a victim of the dojo itself, it traps you. Stealing a Dragon, is implicitly forcing the Dragon, however you place the master thief into the dojo, and make it an institution of the Yakuza set, in infamy of legend.

The banner set, is the security system, taking each of seven categories, and placing them into unique roles, with the two most important for the lives of your thieves placed as female, and the five male selections being placed as literal in set, hence gender neutral. They must then be limited in function of efficiency, so they only exist as statues, to be played as drama or kabuki pieces, the assumption that you are queer, non-cop, for posing with a banner icon on you. This way, any enemy of the Yakuza, of seven forms of rival Buddhist, will lose the female identified categories, and any cop, will not be able to act with listed signal sets, while the limited efficiency function guarantees that only art is produced, making the thieves’ dojo worthless to the military, destroying the entire installation with non-pertinent arts references as the captors have psychotic breakdown.

The trap board, will test your thieves, while the banner set, will identify plans to be employed through thieves in the dojo, from kabuki theaters, guaranteeing a lack of law enforcement muster through plan proposed while in kabuki outfit, only to be used before trapped by the springboard, therein the latter plans are ignored, only one proposal per thief surviving the spikes. Once the operation is complete, having produced return of profits on hiring of resource at initial investment and payment allotted for core management team, the project is ceased from major retail, with the thieves departing by force of stay behind team, the dojo historians, cops.

If any cheats have occurred, including the cheated, they will all die, because the statue sets, will become impermanent, for the entire dojo team, even returning or far away members, since the profit projects will have been spoiled, labeling the entire group ronin, for having played in a thieves’ dojo that was administrated by a patrol unit, a rival Buddhist sect, or even worse, hapsos, people who aspire to martial arts while attempting to cheat with real weapons, only reserved for official acts of war, not countryside skirmishes, the assassin tradition, using arts as the tool, very rarely fists. Christ was a man of peace, but that does not mean he wasn’t violent. And drunk.


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