Zenny Manifesto Part 9

 Venture Capital Forms:

Venture capital, is a treasury agent, that acquires a facility, through downsizing a group of principles, that has grown abusive to the principle of wealth, the philosophy, of its patron, the inspiration of academic it has grown upon. 

If aligned properly, principle and legislature, it will be placed in the hands of the asset, the abused, to act as they wish. If you choose the path of a venture capitalist, you will be a machine, no longer human, you will be a treasury agent, a proxy agent of promise, a historian. You must carry out what history regards as evil, an unfulfilled promise to a people, a parent that has not pleased a child with their word, not the promised that has been fulfilled, however unpalatable. 

This is not the path of the Yakuza, this is the path of the Ninja. The asset, must be trusted, upon alignment of principle and legislature, the two laws, when displayed when victim is found, to save themselves, and choose appropriately, and they always will, placing your brand upon property, through management, at much cost to realty, should the asset already be doomed. Otherwise, you will suffer your life, in blood, no game of chance, but a game of fortune.

Law: A principle of signal, a definite accord in report.

Principle: A law of science observed, out of experience.

Legislature: A law that is a change to a group, out of hope.

Rule: A contradiction to law, that will always violate law, in criminal act, a breach of faith, or when law violates, a trap in position.

Protection: A rule meant to protect against others.

Hate: A rule meant to rally defense.

Love: A rule meant to protect family.

Custom: An obedience in neutrality that will violate law to provide diminishment of own position, to violate rule a pin in position, to be violated by law to provide fatality of game of syntax played, or to be violated by rule to provide ardour of will in dimishment of force.

Shame: A custom to prevent public display.

Guilt: A custom to prevent private display

Awe: A custom to prevent machine display.

God: A custom to prevent theft display.

Sin: A custom to prevent infantile display.

Zen Form Sets:

Zen forms can be analyzed by looking at profession (the suppression of refusal in hierarchy matters) and practice (the method from terms of position and training). These are each a pair of simple considerations, evoking a fifth form, the unique profession of the Zen practitioner. A Yakuza specializes at countering each form of practice, through employing the rival’s practice in submission of own profession, a standard police tactic in Japan.


Executive (Privilege of privacy in judgement). 

Training Form: Seduction to become friend by stealing lover.

Police Methods: Right to privacy, right to judgement, right to privilege, removal of right to privacy, removal of right to judgement, removal of privilege to right, display of privilege, display of right, display of privacy, display of judgement, private right, private privilege, private judgement, public right, public privilege, public judgement, judged right, judged privilege, judged privacy.

Gladiator (Family preserved for freedom).

Training Form: Deliberate draft of sibling for service instead of self.

Police Methods: Self preserved for freedom, self sacrificed for freedom, self sacrificed for slavery, family preserved for slavery, family sacrificed for slavery, family sacrificed for freedom, family preserved for slavery, preservation of family for freedom, preservation of self for freedom, preservation of family for slavery, preservation of family for slavery, sacrifice of family for freedom, sacrifice of family for slavery, freedom for family for preservation, freedom for self for preservation, freedom for family for preservation, freedom for self for sacrifice, self-sacrifice for freedom, family-sacrifice for freedom, slavery for sacrifice, slavery for freedom, slavery for self, self for freedom.

Martial Artist (Simplest form applied for most complex effect).

Training Form: Remedial education in physical training for physical confidence.

Police Methods: Simple form non-applied for simple effect, simple form applied for simple effect, simple form non-applied for complex effect, simple form applied for complex effect, complex form non-applied for simple effect, complex form applied for simple effect, complex form non-applied for complex effect, complex form applied for complex effect.

Pitfighter (Death dealt for nation).

Training Form: Public spectacle fight for lost money after being drafted.

Police Methods: Crippling blow removed for nation, crippling blow attempted for nation, savior removed for nation, savior granted for nation, crippling blow removed for self, crippling blow delt for self, savior removed for self, savior dealt for self, nation offered death for self, nation offered life for self, nation removed from death for self, nation removed from life for self, self offered death for removal, self offered savior for granting, removal of crippling blow for nation, landing of crippling blow for nation, removal of savior for nation, placing of savior for nation, landing of crippling blow for self, removal of crippling blow for self, removal of savior for nation, placing of savior for nation.

Prizefighter (Monetary income for sacrifice).

Training Form: Taking bribe for sex with feminine figure while involved in illicit affairs.

Police Methods: Monetary income for sacrifice, empathic income for sacrifice, sympathetic income for sacrifice, monetary loss for sacrifice, empathic loss for sacrifice, sympathetic loss for sacrifice, monetary contribution for sacrifice, empathic contribution for sacrifice, sympathetic contribution for sacrifice, monetary income for gain, empathic income for gain, sympathetic income for gain, monetary loss for gain, empathic loss for gain, sympathetic loss for gain, monetary contribution for gain, empathic loss for gain, sympathetic loss for gain, monetary contribution for gain, empathic contribution for gain, sympathetic contribution for gain, monetary income for pleasure, empathic income for pleasure, sympathetic income for pleasure, monetary loss for pleasure, empathic loss for pleasure, sympathetic loss for pleasure, monetary contribution for pleasure, empathic contribution for pleasure, sympathetic contribution for pleasure.

Swordsman (Show of skill for self).

Training Form: Military service in junior training service compulsory by father.

Police Methods: Show of skill for country, show of frailty for country, hidden skill for self, hidden skill for country, shared skill for country, shared skill for self, shared frailty for country, shared frailty for self, self skill for stealth, national skill for honor, shared skill for stealth, shared skill for honor, self for country, shared skill for brother, self for brother, brother for self, brother for country, hidden country, hidden brother, hidden self, frailty for brother, frailty for self, frailty for country, hidden frailty, hidden self, country of honor, country of brothers, country in shame.


Budo: Samurai (Lunging Assumptions of Observation. Machine Motions of Implication, Non-Implicit, Falsehood of Defeat as Promotion).

Training Form: Gymnastics.

Coolie: Ship’s Architect (Postured Implication of Intended Transmission. Deviant Gesture Induced for Unit Recruitment into Brigade of Ardour).

Training Form: Glee.

Confucianism: Political Broker (Hidden Linkage Through Postured Victim of Infiltration in Brokered Group. Fictional Legend Reference Removal Through Subconscious Application).

Training Form: Clerk.

Daoism: Justice Invoker (Triplicate Defilement Through Rising Slaying of Elder. Political Advisor Upon Speech To Mass Political Violence).

Training Form: Psychosis.

Hinduism: Guru Psychiatrist (Defense Through Keyset of Non-Formed Import of Universal Observed Form Singular. Induction of Legal Court in Unique Representation of Self).

Training Form: Bonsai.

Judeaken: Self-Defiled Psychotic (Intentional Self-Slur Through Mutual Application of Derision. Application of Yiddish Linguistics Applied to Physical Appearance When Taunted).

Training Form: Yiddish.

Laoism: Counter-Espionage Form (Engineer Systems Trap Based on Prior Academic Technical Function Observed Without Applied by Self Ever. Denial of Academic Form of Secondary Technicality of Zen Instruction From Prior Educated Source Never Applied But Observed).

Training Form: Demonstrations.

Mahayana: Self-Wounding Tactical Judge (Boost of Imperial Conquest Ambition for Able Challenger. Eight Weapon Four Technique Specialized Pair Combination of Technique).

Training Form: Factors.

Nestorianism: Insolvency Determination (Shutdown of Improper System. Placement of Underground Terminology Through Screen).

 Training Form: Inversion.

Nabudoken: Law Informant Police Investigation Shutdown (Interjurisdiction Agency of Police Envoy. Police Patronage of Undercover Informants).

Training Form: Extortion.

Ninpo: Signals Logic Through Common Word (Locking Hold System Traps. Open Understanding of Incoming Information With Block to Import).

Training Form: Instruction.

Paddy: Farm Management Through Chattel Serfdom (Rotating Routing Circulation of Self. Indication to Labor to Manage Self Through Promise of Same From Self in Mutuality).

 Training Form: Favors.

Ronin: Trap of Personnel for Specialty (Culture Savante Through Masochism. Application of Ethical Study of Creator and Ethical Limitation of Trapped for Management).

Training Form: Brawling.

Satanism: Induction of Homicidal Personality (Recovery From Wound With Feigned Agony. Induction of Sleep Disorder in Self Through Self-Analysis With Cocaine).

Training Form: Cocaine.

Shaolin: Dominance of Country Until Return of God (Switch of Hands In Dual Type of Neurology. Thinking With Both Sides).

Training Form: Homeless.

Tong: Diplomatic Espionage Through Immigrant (Vice Market Support Through Agency. Recruitment of Professionals Through Study of Abusive Parents and Preferred Client in Diminutive Shape Aligning).

Training Form: Bondage.

Triad: Specialist Assassin Partisan (Double Professional With Variable Cause for Hire. Determination of Patronage Through Theft of Self With Demand For Sex Stolen Secretly).

Training Form: Marijuana.

Wicca: Contract Fraud of Criminals (Application of Agents to Life Inside Poverty Cult. Promise of Recovery at Intent of Paid Low Income Labor).

Training Form: Confidence.

Yakuza: Counter-Form of Zen Forms (Sequential Signals Through Mental Dislocation. Diplomacy Alignment Contradiction in Sets of One Two and Three in Singles Doubles Triples).

Training Form: Gaming.

Yoga: Isolation of Single Individual as Source of Intelligence (Application of Broker Status of Individual Commodity. Usage of Data Nozzle After Violent Encounter).

Training Form: Narcotics.


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