Zenny Manifesto Part 8

 Transformative Tricks:

Yakuza may occasionally require the necessity of transformation of personality form, to dodge trail and perform hits simultaneously. They can shift their career type to apply a completely new criminal profile for recruitment, thus dodging a records review, they can produce a transformative piece to imprint their past identity on the media and evoke a new identity to become while slaying their enemies in the same stroke, and they can evoke a retirement posture by changing their entire personality mold to a past defiled individual through fasting and alcohol imbibement, a process known as Antinomian.

Career Shift: 

A career is made up of image of self in art, image of form in idol, and image of job in hobby. The original set of three should be recorded, with the career selection recorded, for guidepoint of prior reference to self of record in statement of other individual, for false lead. Then, one should apply a reference to another individual, selected for opposing trait at fundamental core, as an admired trait, in a short phrase, combined with the actual meaning, in parenthesis, in the larceny sheet book used for scrap paper. 

This is to be disposed of, immediately, after use. Bonsai leaf is to be acquired and chewed, and simple dispenser soap after the bonsai leaf is chewed, while looking in the mirror, to shift into whatever form seems natural, then the new form must be recorded, the set of three, with a constant recorded upon observation of cross, psychotic repulsion of individual detached from, to judge the new career. 

After this, the bonsai must be purged, with a manga, and the two sets of career elements, and the repulsion of the anonymous individual, must be recorded, in set. The old career is your records reference to another individual, the new career set is your attempted goal of building upon your constant point, your constant point your means of direct ingress into your career. This way, you will pick three sets of homosexual, meaning you will be heterosexual, the repulsion layer making your original reference to profile asexual, removing any attachments and allowing you to place yourself in a new community.

Chrysalis Metamorphosis: 

An Ignatian piece is penalty against perjury, proof of witchcraft being manipulation of the courts with a mistruth about the identity of an individual. A Francoist piece is preparation for war, becoming an inversion of self as an espionage operative. A Paolo is a combination of another individual to self, to impart self with interpretation of trait of gene fitting with own personality in neurology. A Defilement occurs when the admission of a tragedy not committed is reversed as opposing figure. 

First, one takes the Ignatian piece, and makes a reference to a work of art, a cross-reference to a historical figure inside the work of art, a property to place setting inside, a property character to fit a referenced modified into, an aspirational biographical piece, and an aspirational effect meant for the character. This is your past reference of self, the last trace of you. Second, one takes the desired genetic trait of individual as classified, then as named, the Paolo, before taking the self, and inverting, the Francoist, to merge forms, before creating the natural opposition to induce the Defilement to mark the new self upon enemies in destruction of anyone who would wish harm to the substance of both original form and non-inversion, with the genetic trait of the Paolo, by admitting to a tragedy not performed, hence the character will not make sense unless paired with a character who has not committed the tragedy that they will be responsible for towards your plant of Chrysalis, in the media work, any rival taking on the capacity of the rival character, while any foe will believe you are the Ignatian form that is now lost but imprinted. 

The pair, should be kept as a coded set, devoid of notation, merely the character sets, hidden as a reference to self without the setting or fictional set, with the Ignatian as the self with true name, and the Chrysalis as the foe, the rival, bearing a name of choice, however contemporary, a betraying friend. This way, any inspection of your data ledgers in your backup servers will indicate that you are the recognizable figure, and you have had the trick performed on you by the foe, henceforth known as the villain in the work. 

Occult Ninpo: 

Occultation functions on the principle of a cheat, a glib remark, and a lie, a joke of omission. Combined with this is a narrative form, to imprint the individual Occult form, and labeling of character with artistic concept, dialogue, poetry in other societies. To perform this process, one must fast on Ramadan, then to perform the Ninpo transformation, one must not eat after the fast, drink alcohol until intoxicated, sleep without food, and eat bacon and drink citrus juice, preferably orange juice for palette, the next day. 

The form relies on taking, prior to the Occultation, a past imprint of personality, someone met, and writing them into a piece wherein the real name, an alias, a type of utility, a customized diagnosis as seen by ninja, a culture ascribed within proper scrambler predicament bounds of view of future purpose, a tagline for the end of the piece, an integration summary, an inclusionary background set of two lines of pertinent information and one technique non-linked to origin in writing but recognized in use, and an embrace of hope for love, future, and thoughts of the writer of the Occult piece. 

At this point, one must craft a story wherein the author starts as the goal Occultation, and becomes the writer at the end, before the reference from the character, as the author, is included, to imprint the persona, using the cheat and lie throughout the piece with narrative written and dialogue identifying the character. This will remove the personality from the author of the written piece, leaving everything else, creating a blank personality form in terms of physical body shape and action, mimicking the prior author’s view of the individual that had influenced them, the posture relationship attained growing stronger, and supplanting other influenced personalities. The Occultation should be saved on record as the original copy sheet, not the writer’s exercise, which should be deleted from reference.

Variable Positions of Seating:

Zen forms rely on a set of five positions, with a ligament variable for modulated positions of custom diatrobe classified as medical disorders from impediments in seating. These are paired with several breathing exercises, arm positions, and hand positions, and identify your basic type of Zen practice, combined with standard psychiatric designation that is meant to identify disorder, sector of commerce, and aggression in assertion of acquisition of resources.


Zazen: Lotus position, a sociopath. Induction of meditation, age 10 or under, with the legs inverted, on any surface, particularly a soft one, such as a mat or bean bag. Neural shaping or imprint of behavior is impossible, freezing concept of time to the rate of stage at programming, with enhanced memory and imaginative input throughout the lifetime, enhancing as neural development progresses. Ptolemic faults, sensual crimes, recursive patterns, circadian sleep patterns, and disruptive patterns do not imprint, a disadvantage at first, however, they are all retained in terms of past memory and imaginative application, allowing the Zazen to separate, combine, and reconfigure behaviors, based on past validation.

Tanaka: Hammer position, a narcissist. Seating on the ground, cross-legged, with knees up and ankles down, crossed, toes out and diagonal to the ground, with a sporting practice involving tight grouping and a wrestling position of leverage induced from menial work involving shoulders and hips simultaneous. Neural recall of time enhances in the frame of reference as age enhances forward, however time narrows in conception, allowing the individual to apply recursive formula in a tightening, narrowing term of concept, ‘ethic’, however ‘moral’, the personal consideration, is sacrificed for ‘norm’, a gesture of hidden expertise to community contribution, through personal profit of incentive. Incentive is judged, as responding to pressure from community of other individuals, however specializing own figments of agency within personal control of resemblance marked, to establish the terminology called profit, the return of an output in margin, relative to input with time of judgement measured between input and accounting of return in tangible item, to calculate success and then imprint negatively upon own marks of perceived property, the contributed to parties of human agency outside of figment, non-proxy control.

Shogo: Snake position, an avoidant. Seating on flat surface with wall as rear, with legs stacked and flat and square, then gymnastic programming and positioning for balance with feet on a toe to heel basis, for balance, before placing pelvis, on broad surface, with legs squared above surface of geometric center of gravity. Upwards vertice balance of perception of growth, with two-dimensional perception of importance as objective judged by own position of submission in dominance, with importance perceived as contribution to those judged on vertical plane lower, however horizontal forward, any in rear perception protected as imaginary maternity in case of male, sexual dominance of pleasure to enhance own aggression in case of female. Ranking grades of perception related to stages of ownership in response to sexual organs, ownership, and ejaculation of orgasm to those in stages of necessity, with wedlock refused until hidden from view, upon judgement of least worthy, then sexual ameloriation necessary to make student of moral, personal judgement, for bond into finance, control of systems of benefit.

Hanzi: Crane position, a homosexual. Seating with leg out at long position, stretched, with knee on other leg raised, extended foot flat and perpendicular to ground, extended bent leg with knee up, foot flat on ground. Perception of all things as relative, with self as subjective, and time compressed into lower function until aging, then intellect enhancing as processing speed diminishes. This allows a poly-face blend of perception to modify rules of games to break the conceptions of others, into an eventual desecration of linear breeding lines of those interpreted as foes from refusal to press refusal in company, hence the crane will severe from bond of life in terms of descent any individual that cannot refuse directly, as incapable of passing on genetic material. Concerned with genetic resemblance and respect of refusal of mate in terms of family breeding, reacting violently in a complex striking action to anyone attempting to enforce breeding rules, with a shift of form while retaining shape of recognition to any individual protected, posturing as individual protected in recognition to those aggressing against individual.

Islama: Triangle position, a fascist. Conversion to lotus, above age 10, with the legs inverted and heels placed on knee and thigh, however the pituitary functions have already enancted, hence the testicles are tucked, as in Lotus, but the phallus is extended, or in the case of women, the clitoris is extended and the vaginal cavity is elongated out the middle labia, a clavis mons, enhanced sexual ability at the deficit of ability to bear maternity, necessitating clitoridectomy. Perception of time as real, with a purge function when cleansing bowels, and an imprint of logic with false figure of wife, either sex, as a fictional character in artistic animation, when blind a felt touch, when deaf a perception of other as confused sexual approach necessary for non-accusation of pedophile or suicide induced from a cheat of games theory, or observation of any structural surface, including sand, the preference, with water, from a flask, the shape pleasing, due to sensation of bowel pass when squatting, humping a sand dune, to piss into a scorpion’s mound, attracting live prey, ants, to kill the ‘creatures’, the term for a hated pet, a dog, a foolish companion that demands company while not contributing by killing another animal that is a pest. The biome structure of animal interpretation, is the entire behavioral pattern, building a structure of society based on marks, forages, expungement, and rejection of companions that will not clear structures out, a business oriented practice of seating.

Llami: Spider position, a transgender. Any of the five forms, mixed together, in a pair, others, impossible. A philosophy of form with repulsion of information necessary for imprint, discomfort registering as important information imprinted in reptilian cervical disorder of perception, the medulla oblongata the female blocking eye passage cavity to understand in induced hyper-sensitivity of avian canals of thought, the cerebellum, to induce triggers, as intended by style, to assist others in combat actions through administration of live hunts of prey, while the male induces a form of falsehood, marking defeat as a humiliation of self by placing other into position of experiment, to cleanse psychiatric flaw by posturing for information to be displayed in secret, then traded in record to highest head of state having induced position of cultural simian form to induce raving psychosis, the term ‘raving’ described as any individual that will move through life as if an autist, the false term for someone having victimized another due to false induction of claim of Llami form, actually an adherent, someone having violated their form’s premonitions, the term of insight through instinct, having broken someone else’s instinct. This the intention of repairing ‘gay’, a homosexual state through marker of social pogrom, a pogrom a cleansing of individuals through genocide, the purge of a people of perception of victim, classified as a state’s need by aggressor, singular individual in view that has failed to prevent, by either grouping, working in concert of pairs, twins, the term for false siblings, unaware of each other, until death, Buddha, cripple.

Breathing Engrams:

Track: A choked ‘huff’, the intake of air once, then expelled three times, before an uvulation in the throat is used to purge protocol, the concept of coded procedure of ethics. Operates on a coded task noted process that is meaningless, merely used to repress others in support to separate for vital tasks, signaled with banality, the term for a killing strike to indicate displeasure, loss of support at health of other. Health of self is noted from clandestine signal, requesting information, any sort, to reticulate and task, the lower functions non-existent at this point, health failing from overexertion, lethargy and food necessary, from abuse directed from others, in care of companionship of monster, the term for an induced deviant. 

Fitness: An intake of pressure through the anus from step up on the pads of the feet while seated and lifts of the heels, before an expulsion of breast with an arch of the shoulders backwards, clenching fists at angles with palms at sides. Meant for boxing, pugilism, prize fighting, swordsmanship, knife fighting, and gouging of eyes, face, mouth, and pulling of hair, accumulated to assaults of any type through dominance games. Indirect conception of perceived path is always noted, and when wishing to engage, will falsely posture as homosexual, to move five agents into place of individual displeasing by moving out of dominance rules in area, by placing the foe’s ally at victim, placing three around the fifth piece, the scouted movement, represented by the urethral vacuum, the individual selected for being most predatory in range. 

Inversion: The stomach pressed outwards, before intake coming into breath, and reversed, the constant stability of essential instinct suppressed into a flipped yang, the internal mind cleared for function of entertainment in illusion, actually aggressive and saccharine tactical gain of assault upon others at all hours of stage preparatory planning, while work functions and planning occupy the lower functions of the body. Constant movement is noted, a sadistic personality, commonly called a psychopath, actually a bonfire, a flame.

Rude: A placement of a stone, rock, or padded protrusion upon the tailbone while seated, and a pain position of posture while doing so, for an enhanced pain threshold whereupon the enemy’s non-engaged forms are engaged as pressure, for imprinting of extended form inside relation of expressed non-engaged skills, now displayed in mind of engram subject. Instructions are placed inside, from engagement requested, memory imprinted in amphibian nervous system, culinary intake desires, before disengaged with the pain posture removed and a drop of ovarian or testicular function. 

Soldier: A grunted clench of the jaw while lifting weight for tone, not bulk or rip or cut, to build bone strength at a young age, for thick build of dead nervous ending inside marrow, to result in toughing tendon to build muscle where non-applicable for pressure surface of diaphragm, beneath lung, for long push of any given non-prey, as predator to self. Used to recruit self for different movements, rallies, upon mutual observation of item, actual concrete commodity, monetary good worth exchange for sexual fixation with other individual, before movement into placement with others not desiring fixation, hence fixation is removed and concept commodity, rally concept, is gained, for signal of law, mutual design of system acquired by self, for depreciating, ascending system of pinnacle, until dead of ethic and sleep induced, daily.

Arm Positions:

Con: Hands are placed down and matched, for a false type of usage of hands, actual dominance of hands, reversed, for a bluff. Used for a dominant personality, that manipulates into position with deployment of study.

Zi: Hands are placed down and non-matched, an ambiguous usage of feet, false dominance of hands, intoned, for a signal. Used for a submissive personality that acts as a servant while spying, to create extensions of force.

Hach: Hand is placed down, and the other up, a form of usage for media, the concept of political umbrage. Used for a neutral personality, that strikes a basin notch, when alone, used for persuasion, through illicit gains, made into dividends, by observation of state, government.

Lam: Hands placed up, at shoulders, matched, used for strikes of lethal or crippling variety, the concept of soldier’s ethic, however the hand dominance, is ambibiased, meaning they will always want to match their own ambivalence, a unit accord.

Han: Hands placed up, at shoulders, different signs, used for cadet group rankings, an administrator, professor, or services liaison, used for espionage, an asexual personality that takes serious threats as a glyph, a signal to be administrated through proof of life to self, not others.

Hand Seals:

Gai: Rock, fists.

Pall: Dead, flat.

Grave: Feign, flat thumbs wide.

Shinobi: Assassin, bars, middle and pinky tucked.

Wyrd: Witch, bars, thumb tucked to middle and pinky.

Dao: Swoop, thumb tucked to forefinger, hands opening in flower.

Serpent: Flower, thumb tucked to middle finger, other fingers open.

Tao: Slow, thumb tucked to ring finger, other fingers open.

Crest: Monkey, fist, thumb ducked under extended fingers, knuckles forward.

Gai: Knife, fused thumb, by bend.

Jin: Demon, ligament bend, for cross.


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